Following this site
Hey, it's great that you're interested in the content of this site and would like to follow me. The simplest way to do this is by following me on Mastodon (
Like many other websites, this site also provides an RSS feed for the same purpose.
What is RSS?
RSS enables you to follow a website through an RSS reader. My preferred app for this is [Reeder] (available for macOS and iOS, and it works wonderfully). If Reeder isn't to your liking or if you're using a different operating system, there are numerous alternatives available online.

The advantage is clear: you have control over whom you follow, and you receive all articles as soon as they're published. It's similar to a newsletter but without the ads and the need to subscribe.
How can I follow the site now?
Usually, simply entering the site's URL into your chosen RSS app should suffice. If that doesn't work, you can assist the app by inputting my feed URL directly. It's, which you can also open in a browser, although it might not look as my original page.